November 26TH is Small Business Saturday…
Shop, Eat and Play LOCAL!
Small Business Saturday is right around the corner, the day after everyone’s favorite shopping day, the legendary Black Friday.
Originally started by in 2010 by American Express to spotlight small and local businesses, the day has grown into a national opportunity to celebrate and support locally-owned small businesses and all they do for their communities.
Congress has recognized the importance of increasing awareness of the value of these businesses and since 2011, has designated the Saturday after Thanksgiving as Small Business Saturday. The incredible results of this campaign speak for themselves. According to the American Express Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey:
- In 2021, U.S. consumers reported spending an estimated $23.3 billion at independent retailers and restaurants on Small Business Saturday.
- The estimated spend on Small Business Saturdays 2010 – 2021 is $163 billion.
- Sixty-six percent of consumers who reported shopping on Small Business Saturday said the day makes them want to Shop Small all year long, not just during the holiday season.
Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity by shopping at small LOCAL businesses on Saturday, November 26 and all year long.
The Robert Feest Insurance Agency is proud to insure many small retail shops that are important contributors to their communities.
If you own or manage a retail small business, Please contact us for a free evaluation of your business and all of the unique coverages available to you, and see how we can provide your valuable business with the comprehensive insurance coverage it needs